The following incidents were reported between Feb. 18-Feb.24


Glasses theft
Designer Sunglasses worth $1,900 were stolen from a vehicle parked on Cavalleri Road. The victim’s hood was slightly left open, and the positive battery terminal was broken off the battery. The deputy said it was likely to deactivate the alarm on her vehicle. The victim contacted the property manager to obtain the security footage of the incident.

Mail Theft
A metal mailbox was damaged, and the victim’s mail was stolen. There were no security cameras for evidence. The victim was advised to notify the post office to have his mail stopped until he could secure his mailbox. The victim valued the damaged mailbox at $1,000.

Bike theft
An electric bicycle worth $2,500 was stolen from a property on Cavalleri Road. The victim is unsure how they entered the garage where the bike was located. The victim said they would provide law enforcement security footage of the incident.

A backpack worth $300 and $150 in cash was stolen from an unclosed garage door near Nobo Restaurant on PCH. The victim said the garage doors remain open in the location. The victim’s Social Security and Birth Certificate was inside the stolen backpack. The deputy was unable to obtain the video footage during the time of the incident.

Bike theft
Three kid bicycles worth $967 were stolen from a community garage on Cavalleri Road. The victim said the apartment complex was recently burglaries for the same items and believes it was the same suspect.

A stainless steel mailbox was vandalized on Carbon Mesa Road. The victim said the mailbox appeared to be pried open in an attempt to steal his mail. The deputy noticed similar pry marks to other mailboxes in the area. The mailbox was estimated to cost $500 to repair. There were no cameras available for evidence.

A vehicle parked on Surfwood Road was broken into, and the window was smashed. The victim said his vehicle did not seem to be ransacked. The window was estimated to be worth $100 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence.